Rooftops: Lostprophets

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

12 wonderful year's have gone by!

It's been a whole life time for me, but just a blink of an eye for my parents.

Well I'm now an offically teenager! Thirteen wow. Ok does that sound old or young? To me it kinda sounds old... But because I have four older sib's then it also sounds really young. Well Thank's a lot every one who rememberd my birthday yesterday, But even if you didn't i'll still give you a chance to redeem yourself (You live in the US) becuase its still Tuesday over their. ;)

Also Charity, my older sis who I look up to and admier, Is 16! Sweet sixteen! Can you belive it? Wow... Thats old. :) Well you can also tell her happy late birthday. :) I'm sure she'll forgive you.

Oh hey do you guys think its cool that me and Charity have the same birthday (March 14th)? I think its pretty cool! Kinda wierd but cool.

So yesterday we went out to eat with Casey (f0r our b-day) and that was fun. The water was really nice and we said that it was mine and Charity's bithday and when we orderd desert ( a huge thing of ice cream that we all shared) He put a sparkiler in in! Then we didn't have to pay for it ( ether he just did that becuase it was our birthday or some one messed up but it was pretty cool). Then we rented some movies and watched them all afternoon. Then we went to the bible study. So I had a pretty good birthday. Exccept I'm was kind of sick, Just like a cold, But it was still great fun!

Well I tryed to update yesterday but M.J. unpluged the comp and I didn't have time to update again. But Charity did help me get the music back up and some difrent pic. Well I hope you all have a wonderful day! Love you all!


rayhe said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear Tamara
happy birthday to you

Andrew said...

hey, well, i remember when i was 13 and that was a long time ago..hehe, well kind of, so to me that kinda young, well, yeah, i said happy birthday to you yesterday and live too, so i think i have past the test...hehe, well u have a good rest of the week...

Maria JoAnn said...

well, I cant belive that I never commented on this. Well, I dont want to say happy birthday, becasue then people would think that I forgot about your birthday because I didnt, I just never commented on you blog to tell you, instead i put a whole post to tell you about it. See, I am being nice on this comment! I love you sis!

Unknown said...

Hey! I love the song! :)
Update soon, miss that Blackwood Aussie updating!:) hehe
Love ya

Nathan said...

I think you should hold the song for a couple years. 13, you say? Doesn't the song go, "I'm fifteen years for a moment" 'fore it falls off into cheesiness?