Rooftops: Lostprophets

Monday, September 26, 2005


Yeah I am done with a paper that I have to hand in tomorrow! I am happy and proud of my self :) *pats self on back* It wasn't that long or that hard but i had to follow some stuff and so yeah.

Yesterday I sleped in My sisters( charity's) room becase we painted my room on Saturday Then The Enas's had our family over for supper Then Maria and I stayed there until Sunday night becase My dad shaired about Ausie. So i didn't have time to put my room back together i did kida this morning but i still need to tonight. I stoped becase i had HORRABLE stumic pain but i am much better right now. Anywho we painted Ben's room this afternoon and got that all done. We have to do another one tomorrow, See we are going to try to paint us 4 Kids room each day so Thats not supper fun but we get to do less school so thats cool! I still need to clean it up and get sone stuff put off but i got most of the furniture put where I want it. I "had" to rearange it! :)

My brothers Came over the Enas's also so i got to see them for a while but i stayed and they went home Saturday night so i didn't get to spend a lot of time with them witch was kida disapoiting but I don't get to see the Enas's that much ither so... Not that I'm saying i like one more than the other I would D to stay home and talked with my great brothers and gone to the feloship lunch but I was alreay invited befor i knew about all the stuff that was happening.

Well I got class tomorrow and... we have to paint, Then Maria and i will be going clogging. Last time we went on a Thursday and got to go out to DQ afterwards and I was trying to drink some watter and just befor that i had Said some thing funny then Faith Hovee ( she goes with us) replied and said some thing hilareious (obveiously I can't remeber what it was, sorry its my memory lose) right when i was swallowing! I started chocking on my watter and i wasn't just hoding it it in so i wouldn't spit it out every where it was like stuck in my throat so i tried spiting it out in the little tray under the drinks ( This isn't verry plesant sorry but it was very funny!) and i couldn't so i RAN outside ( I was seareously not breathing this whole time!) and had to cough/ spit it up! It was SOO funny.... in that grose sort of way :). Now come on don't tell me all you people who are reading this havn't done some thing like that?!?

Well i decied to play linkin park becase.... umm i wanted to. :) i will play some of the sugjestions you guys gave me some time. Thanks for those. Ok Benjamen Is wathing my dads ordanation! Its really funny to see all these people like 13 years ago! I wasn't born yet i think i my mom was like 4 month pregnant with me i think! :)
Well my sisters and my mom just got home so i better go. Have a great week every one and don't get to stressed out. Take a little time for your self and relax read the bible if you want it doesn't matter, don'e work to hard. Its good advice really you shuould try it. ok well goodnight all!

(wow this was a long pst kida!)


erudil said...

Enjoy writing...when you get to college, you'll be doing tons more, especially if you do like I do.

Nathan said...

Linkin Park's purty cool.

Anonymous said...

If you use Microsoft Word to write your posts, then it will check your spelling for you.

-Helpful tipper

Anonymous said...

get lost Charity! I can do what i want on my blog! i don't care if you have prob w/ it.
I am pretty sure it was you you! P.S.your not good at being Anonymous btw!
Ok if it wasn't Charity i think it was Nathan!

Anonymous said...

ok it wasn't Charity she say's it must have been Nathan or.... i guess it Andrew could have done it. ok fess up guys!

Nathan said...

Nah, twasn't me. However...I'd agree with Helpful Tipper!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you can't take a helpful hint civilly. I'm just a lone ranger trying to improve the blogsphere. It's a thankless job.