Rooftops: Lostprophets

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok It took me a little while to think on what to post about and I finally decided to tell ya'll a little about how I feel( and other things) about us moving to Australia.

Ok So we are Lord will going to OZ. We still haven't gotten our visa approved but we hoping they will come in in about 3 or 4 weeks I think So you could pray that that would go well! well we are doing a lot of stuff to get our house ready and its not supper hard yet( well for me that is its proubably is for my dad) But we have to work like every Saturday so that's kida annoying because I always thought Saturday was for relaxing.... heh yeah right! lol . I guess I have always had to work or do school and stuff like that so its not that big a deal.
Ok so now I will tell you what I think about it because I know you are all DYEING to know! :) Well every one ask's me what I think about it so I guess this is what I will tell you. I Normally say no I am not excited but I really need to stop saying that because its not the whole truth! Ok what I don't like about it fist. Well fist I am leaving my 2 older brothers whom I love and will miss VERY dearly! And I am going to have to leave my dog who I have had for 7 years! So basic ly I am going to have to leave every one! But also I am going to have to leave every thing ( almost) that I have every known! All my stuff! And I am a husure, have been my whole life and I am a little bit scared to move on I am content where I am but I guess what I like isn't always what God wants for me and my family! Yeah well that's kida y I am sad because I am leaving every one ( and every thing!)
Well I am a little excited about it actually! Even one tells me that I profile wont wanna come back and right now I can't really even pic not wanting to come back but some where in the very back of my mind I can a very small amount! Well i was a little scaired that people would forget us then i remeberd that we are the blackwoods! lol NO ONE can forget us crazy people right?! :) well thats really all i have to say... well not its not i could talk ALL day about this but i should get goen' so ttyl
Oh and btw i just took down a tree with my sibs and my Uncle and his g/f so that was tiering! have a goodnight every body! bye
P.S. how did you people like this post rate it 0 to 10. if ya wanna.


Tamara said...

Hey, This is the other Tamara on jared's blog. I still haven't decided for sure if I know who you are. Your blog id so adorable. I like the variety of color and the music. I too am a Casting Crowns fan. One of my favoirte songs of all time is "Who am I". I cry everytime I hear it. I mean that. I try not to, but the words mean a lot to me. I didn't spend much time reading your blog because I have to run to work, but I wanted to comment to let you know I am making the effort to find out who this mysterious Tamara is. :)

Charity said...

Hey I added you to my links. :-)

I will help you put links on here, if you want. OH and I'll finish reading your post later. Thanks for all the comments on my blog, dear sis. Sorry I haven't been as generous with mine on yours! I'll try to do better.

Haha, you're gonna have some 'splaining to do to the other Tamara. ;-)

Charity said...

That post was lovely. I'll give it a...7 (just 'cause the spelling wasn't the most wonderful, but that's alright).

Jen said...

hey girly! I give you a 9 cause i don't do perfect! :) No.. it was really good though. Yeah the spelling might have some trouble, but you told what was on your heart. You let us know how you really feel deep inside. Now I can pray for you better! I love you girl!
Oh and I will never forget you don't worry. Plus the joy of internet is that we can keep in touch even if there are tons of mile between us... so just keep in touch k?