Rooftops: Lostprophets

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

so tonight I am going clogging( its a kind of dance). I have been so busy And gone all the time that i havn't gone for like EVER! so tonight i get to go! and then i think 2 days this month we are going to preform at the state fair! AHHH I think i am going to be sick thoes days! lol.

Guess what?!!? School is starting soon! *sniff* some one *cough*nathen*cough* HAD to bring it up! uggers! Its crazy! i mean it has gone so fast! Its like its a dream! But this has been proubably my best summer ever!! I am so sad its going to have to end!! I am not sure when school for us is going to start but i think in a couple of weeks 2 or 3! Now that i think of it my parents have been buying books and stuff. Soo i guess we should say goodbye to Summer! I really should be out and enjoying it but........ i have update. lol.

Hope every one has a good " last part of summer!!". And have fun shopping for school( NOT)! bubye.


Charity said...

yeah it's kind of sad... don't get mad, get glad! *ding!* :-D lol. Hope you had fun clogging. And we DID get out and enjoy summer today by swimming! Thanks for the comments! love ya lil sis. ;-)

Nick said...

Hey, I didn't know you got a blog! Well, first of all, nice blog! Secondly. visit my blog at

TTYL and God bless!