Rooftops: Lostprophets

Monday, July 25, 2005

my first wierd post
wowzers i FINALY got a blog. our you happy now!?! lol. I would first like to say thank you to my wierd little brother who helped me! he is so sweet ( some times). lol. welp if you think of it today pray for my sisters charity and Maria, becase well we are hear in the nice cool house, they our out in the blasting heat corn detasling! and so is a lot of other people! so pray that they wont die of heat egzoshton(sp?). well i think i am going to go swim now. hey i like comments just to tell you. ok I'll see how this first post goes. bye


Joel and Stacey said...

Hooray!!! And I get to be the first one to comment!!

Love ya!

Charity said...

lovely, Sister dear. Thanks for mentioning us. And thanks for the standing ovation when we got home. ;-) love you, too.

Tamara Rose said...

sweet thinks stacey! no proublum charity.

Nathan said...

Yeah, you got a blog. um, sweet. Read mine and I'll read yours. Maybe.

Ellie said...

Yea!!! Now I don't have to feel bad when you comment on mine and I can't comment on yours! Just one thing - remember to update! :) Love you -

Kimberly said...

I drove down to brown county with my family in my car yesterday, and I have no air conditioning! It was my mom's idea! lol! Tamara, I love you girl! I'm praying for you all as you go to Australia! Pet a kangaroo for me!
~Kimberly Corbett~

Tamara Rose said...

ok i will try to update! and Nathen you know what... ok nothing. lol :-) hehe hey thanks all for the lovly coments!

ben said...

ya, i am kindu happy, my blog every one!