Hello, fellow blog-mates! I wonder if anyone reads my blog anymore, considering I haven't updated in like years. If you really want to know what is going on in my life, I would advise you to read Charity's blog because she actually takes the time to record some of it for public viewing.
Yesterday, we had a lovely church picnic at Arthur's Seat. It was Melbourne Cup Day, which means everyone in Melbourne took the day off to watch a horse race. Pretty silly, if you ask me...but we didn't have to do school, so who can argue about that??
We had a wonderful time talking, laughing, kicking the footie around, BBQ-ing, walking, racing, looking at the beautiful view of the ocean, and, of course, posing for photos. I'll have to include some for your personal pleasure and enjoyment.
Many of you already know about the Patersons -- a Scottish family that came here 3 weeks ago to immigrate and help the ministry here. Sadly, they decided they didn't like Frankston and are now returning, after these short weeks, to the U.K. We are a bit in shock and sad to see them go, but we are praying for God's grace to be poured out on them as they seek to start over yet again in the U.K.
Also, a girl named Amanda (in the picture beside me, below) has been coming to our church semi-regularly for the past few months. She came with us yesterday but she was really not feeling like socializing as she was very upset due to an accident that killed one of her friends and seriously injured one of her best mates in Sari Lenka. She has immigrated here for uni and work and is planning to stay, even though her parents and brother and many good friends are still in her home country. Please pray with us for her, as this is a very rough time. And pray that we would know how to encourage and love her through this time and hopefully as she continues to attend church.
Even though we are very disappointed about the Patersons, we are overwhelmingly excited about the Blakstons who are, Lord willing, planning a move here to Frankston in early January. This will be such an encouragement and blessing to me and my church.
Please pray specifically that
- They would get their house finished and ready to rent out
- They would find a house here that is CLOSE!!!
- Jono would find a job here
- And God would make their transition very smooth and uncomplicated...and SPEEDY!!!
Well, hopefully I will now get into a pattern of updating a little more regularly. Sorry it's been so long. I would make excuses like, "I've been REALLLY busy", or "A lot's been going on"...which could be partly true. But I hate it when others use those excuses for me, so I won't.
Enjoy the life God has blessed you with. Breathe in the air He's given you, and live like you're trying to impress Him...not everyone else.
Hey Tomato! Glad to see a post. I'm sorry about your friends going back to the U.K. but its understandable if they dont feel they're being called to stay there. Hopefully you guys will stay in contact though. Whoa, cup day?? sweet. I'd love to have a day off school! I do sometimes for most of the day, but that's for work so it doesn't count. I'll be praying for amanda and for the blakstons and for you =). I love you dear and I hope it wont be too long before I see your pretty face (moving, picture does not count) even if its over the net. It'd be grand to see it (moving).
lol the wed varification thingy is ifitee. interesting.......
hmm........sounds slightly unTamaraish. What do you think??
what a lovely lovely lovely post! and lovely lovely lovely photos! and lovely lovely lovely...prawns.
I AM SO SICK OF SNEEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goodbye. I have spent far too much time in the car with you. (though we never actually sat in the bench section thing)
I agree with Charity, what a lovely post. Thanks for the prayer support, it is a source of encouragement and strength to work hard at doing the Lord's will.
beautiful grandness! Man, what a fun day! I love church picnics, and I would have to agree with the Glover children, they need to happen WAY more often. :)
I can't wait till the Blakstons come. I can't wait till we get to go up there and help them paint and get their house ready. I figure they should just move into our house, and we should find another house to live in......maaaaaybe not. :)
Well, I think lunch is calling me, then a beautiful, wonderful, so much fun paper round. Don't you get sad that you don't do one any more??????? :)
O's, no Xes cuz that's yucky. :)
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