Rooftops: Lostprophets

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow!

It’s snowing! Yeah! I love snow! And so does my dog and cat… well more dog but the cat thinks its fun to play with! It’s so cute to watch them play. My dog has been playing in it ever since it started and still is! You know how sad it will be in Oz not to have snow on Christmas… actually they won’t have snow at all except in the mountains! That’s going to be awful! Oh well I guess I should enjoy it well it last! Man it has been snowing for a long time and hasn’t let up a bit! Its crazy out their! Well if you are on the road be careful! It’s really getting deep fast! For those of you who go to school I have a feeling that you won’t go if the snow keeps up! There are tons of cool advantages to snow! I love
It! I don’t really want to go out side but my dog is looking at me with sad little eyes though the window and scratching on it and I am really board and wasting my life away on hear so I probably better get a move on! ;) Well hope you all enjoy the snow! And don’t take it for granted I have always but this yeah I don’t think this yeah I am going to every single snow flak… Ok maybe just every time it snows!! Last year I actually just laid down in the snow and looked at each little flak! It was so beautiful just sitting their in the quit and looking at Gods beautiful creation. I don’t under stand how you can do that though and not believe in God! It’s just crazy! I mean really. So this yeah if you find time to go out in the snow just take a minute and look real close at each beautiful snow flak and thank God for such beautifully snow! It truly is amassing to see how each one is different and how its mad so perfect! *sigh*… and just breath it all in… J well I am done with my… preaching for now. Have a wonderfully weekend. Ours is going to be a little dull because Charity and my mom aren’t hear but I am sure we will survive! Well I hope so:-D
God bless all


Edwin Allen Henry said...

Good post. :-) And the snow is awesome. Truly.
I made a snowman thing today! 'twas fun!


Tamara Rose said...

hah thats really funny! :) we have been shovoling! After we are done i am going to have some searious musels! ;)
love ya 2